Welcome to Joshua Moore's JavaScript website. I hope you enjoy!

Equations Assignment

Counting Coins Assignment
Amount chosen is $1.42 = 142
(5*quarter) + dime + nickle + (2*penny) = 142
(10*dime) + quarter + (3*nickle) + (2*penny) = 142
(20*nickle) + (4*dime) + (2*penny) = 142
(142*penny) = 142

Timely Measurements Assignemnt
C = 2πr
Therefore when r = 7, C = 2π7
So, C = 43.982

Black Jack Assignment
Hand: 4, 10 = 14
Dealer is hitting...
New Hand: 4, 10, 10 = 24

Prime Time Assignment
The range is from 7 to 59.
The prime numbers are: 7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59
The range is from 1.7769282482600137 to 97.
The prime numbers are: Error. Invalid min or max value.
The range is from -4 to 93.
The prime numbers are: Error. Invalid min or max value.

Waiting for the Weekend Assignment
It's a school day. There are 4 more days until the weekend. Almost there!

A Few of My Favorite Things Assignment.
Hi! My name is Matt. My favorite color is black, my favorite sport is running, my favorite show is SEAL Team, my favorite food is pasta, and my favorite videogame is Counter Strike Global Offensive. It's nice to meet you.